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Let us help you find an Engaged Learning Opportunity Today!


Discover uncharted territory through hands-on experimental work or data analysis with a faculty member or graduate student mentor. There are many opportunities for students to participate in research, even at the undergraduate level. Skills Learned: - Hands-on Experience: Engaged learning provides practical experiences that complement classroom learning. Whether through internships, research projects, or service learning, students gain skills that are directly applicable to their future careers. - Critical Thinking and Problem solving: Engaged learning activities often require students to think critically and solve complex problems. These experiences foster higher-order thinking skills that are invaluable in any field of study. - Enhanced Understanding: By applying theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, students deepen their understanding of academic material. This practical application helps to reinforce what they’ve learned in lectures and readings.

Creative Work

Students must produce, curate, and/or interpret creative work for an authentic and/or critical audience beyond that of a typical course. Find out more about how to engage in creative work at U-M. Skills Learned: - Hands-on Experience: Engaged learning provides practical experiences that complement classroom learning. Whether through internships, research projects, or service learning, students gain skills that are directly applicable to their future careers. - Personal Growth: Participating in engaged learning helps students develop important life skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and cultural competency. These experiences can also foster greater self-awareness and confidence. - Enhanced Understanding: By applying theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, students deepen their understanding of academic material. This practical application helps to reinforce what they’ve learned in lectures and readings.

International Experiences

International experiences place students in an unfamiliar environment to challenge unexamined cultural assumptions and cultivate a new understanding of their own culture. Find an international experience that is best for you! Skills Learned: - Global Awareness: Programs that involve international travel or collaboration with people from different cultural backgrounds can enhance global awareness and understanding, important traits in today’s interconnected world. - Personal Growth: Participating in engaged learning helps students develop important life skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and cultural competency. These experiences can also foster greater self-awareness and confidence. - Academic Achievement: Research indicates that students who participate in engaged learning tend to have higher levels of academic success. These activities can increase motivation, improve retention, and lead to a greater sense of fulfillment in their studies.

Civic Engagement

Civic opportunities are driven by accountability to and respect for an external stakeholder and require that students act to create change. The University has a strong connection to the Detroit community, explore a list of current projects taking place in Detroit. Skills Practiced: - Career Preparation: Engaged learning can significantly bolster a student's resume. Employers highly value candidates who have practical experience in addition to academic achievements. Engaged learning experiences can also provide valuable networking opportunities. - Interdisciplinary Learning: Many engaged learning opportunities are interdisciplinary, allowing students to collaborate with individuals from various fields of study. This broadens their perspective and helps them understand the interconnectedness of different disciplines. - Community Impact: Many engaged learning opportunities involve working with and contributing to the community. This not only benefits the community but also helps students develop a sense of social responsibility and a greater understanding of societal issues.

Experiential Project Experience

Experiential-based projects are learning activities or initiatives that engage individuals in direct experience and focused reflection to increase knowledge, develop skills, and clarify values. These projects emphasize "learning by doing" and often involve hands-on, real-world tasks and challenges that require active participation. Skills Learned: - Career Preparation: Engaged learning can significantly bolster a student's resume. Employers highly value candidates who have practical experience in addition to academic achievements. Engaged learning experiences can also provide valuable networking opportunities. - Interdisciplinary Learning: Many engaged learning opportunities are interdisciplinary, allowing students to collaborate with individuals from various fields of study. This broadens their perspective and helps them understand the interconnectedness of different disciplines. - Enhanced Understanding: By applying theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, students deepen their understanding of academic material. This practical application helps to reinforce what they’ve learned in lectures and readings.


Find a successful entrepreneurship opportunity that is founded on understanding the needs of a group of "customers" or stakeholders. Skills Learned: - Career Preparation: Engaged learning can significantly bolster a student's resume. Employers highly value candidates who have practical experience in addition to academic achievements. Engaged learning experiences can also provide valuable networking opportunities. - Mentorship and Guidance: Engaged learning often involves working closely with faculty, professionals, and peers, providing opportunities for mentorship and guidance that can be pivotal in a student’s academic and professional journey. - Hands on Experience: Engaged learning provides practical experiences that complement classroom learning. Whether through internships, research projects, or service learning, students gain skills that are directly applicable to their future careers.

Team Based Projects

Team-based projects involve collaborative efforts where individuals with diverse skills and expertise work together towards a common goal or objective. Skills Learned: - Academic Achievement: Research indicates that students who participate in engaged learning tend to have higher levels of academic success. These activities can increase motivation, improve retention, and lead to a greater sense of fulfillment in their studies. - Personal Growth: Participating in engaged learning helps students develop important life skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and cultural competency. These experiences can also foster greater self-awareness and confidence. - Interdisciplinary Learning: Many engaged learning opportunities are interdisciplinary, allowing students to collaborate with individuals from various fields of study. This broadens their perspective and helps them understand the interconnectedness of different disciplines.

Internship Opportunities

Start building your career with an internship! These opportunities give you the support network you want — and the real-world experience you need.

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Funding Opportunities

Interdisciplinary research and community-engaged projects can be resource-intensive. Many campus units provide grant funding throughout the academic year to meet these needs. If you have a funding opportunity to share, please send it to

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College of Architecture and Urban Planning

College of Engineering

School for Environment and Sustainability

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

School of Nursing

Other University Funding

Planning to Travel Domestically or Abroad?

Domestic Travel Resources

Alternative Breaks

When school is out, engaged learning is in. Explore student opportunities that occur during your spring break and throughout the year.

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Travel Guide

Our travel guide gives you a comprehensive overview of all relevant domestic and international travel information. Use it to prepare for your journey!

See Travel Guide

International Travel and Study Abroad Resources

Learn more about international experiences at U-M. Here you can find information about Study Abroad programs, register your upcoming travel, review helpful tips in preparation of your trip, and more!

See Resources


What is service learning? How is it different from community engagement?

Service learning merges academic learning with community service, giving students the opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to real-world issues. Community engagement is a broader concept, connecting higher education with communities near and far through various initiatives. Service learning is essentially a specific method of community engagement, emphasizing education through service, while community engagement includes diverse collaborations like outreach programs and research partnerships.

What resources are available to help me be successful in an engaged learning experience?

Our website is the best place to start when searching for resources, stipends, technology, and more. Connect with our team to get the information you need about funding and resources.

How do I get transportation to Detroit for my engaged learning experience?

You can take the D2A2 Bus (!

Are there any pre-requirements or background knowledge that I should have before getting involved?

Depending on the type of experience you are planning to do, it may require some classes or prerequisites. Check with your faculty member or field placement instructor or directly with your community partner supervisor for more information.

I’m interested in starting my own research. How does that work?

Check with your school/department or academic advisor to start this process. It varies by school or college.

Will I have to move?

Moving is not required to have an engaged learning experience. There are many local opportunities available to you through our organization. However, there are domestic and international engaged learning opportunities available for those who wish to move and travel.

Do I need an engaged learning experience to graduate?

No. Engaged learning at the University of Michigan is supplementary and intended to enhance — or even redefine — your college experience.

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Curious about a community initiative or research opportunity? Want to learn more about travel programs? We are ready to help.


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How will Engaged Learning enhance my U-M education?

Participating in engaged learning at the University of Michigan offers numerous benefits that can significantly enhance both academic and personal development. Here are some compelling reasons why students should consider taking advantage of these opportunities:

Hands-On Experience

Engaged learning provides practical experiences that complement classroom learning. Whether through internships, research projects, or service learning, students gain skills that are directly applicable to their future careers.

Enhanced Understanding

By applying theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, students deepen their understanding of academic material. This practical application helps to reinforce what they’ve learned in lectures and readings.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Engaged learning activities often require students to think critically and solve complex problems. These experiences foster higher-order thinking skills that are invaluable in any field of study.

Career Preparation

Engaged learning can significantly bolster a student's resume. Employers highly value candidates who have practical experience in addition to academic achievements. Engaged learning experiences can also provide valuable networking opportunities.

Personal Growth

Participating in engaged learning helps students develop important life skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and cultural competency. These experiences can also foster greater self-awareness and confidence.

Community Impact

Many engaged learning opportunities involve working with and contributing to the community. This not only benefits the community but also helps students develop a sense of social responsibility and a greater understanding of societal issues.

Mentorship and Guidance

Engaged learning often involves working closely with faculty, professionals, and peers, providing opportunities for mentorship and guidance that can be pivotal in a student’s academic and professional journey.

Interdisciplinary Learning

Many engaged learning opportunities are interdisciplinary, allowing students to collaborate with individuals from various fields of study. This broadens their perspective and helps them understand the interconnectedness of different disciplines.

Academic Achievement

Research indicates that students who participate in engaged learning tend to have higher levels of academic success. These activities can increase motivation, improve retention, and lead to a greater sense of fulfillment in their studies.

Global Awareness

Programs that involve international travel or collaboration with people from different cultural backgrounds can enhance global awareness and understanding, important traits in today’s interconnected world.