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2025 Census Map

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2025 Census Map


The Detroit Engagement Map provides a visual layout of the University of Michigan’s engagements in and with the City of Detroit and its residents. The University of Michigan’s engagement with Detroit stretches back more than two centuries. Today, the University of Michigan has many collaborations and engagements in Detroit, with residents, educators, neighborhoods, government agencies, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and community leaders.

Faculty, students, and staff from all three of the University of Michigan’s campuses work alongside partners to learn and serve in ways that create mutual benefit, guided by the principles of recognition, respect, and equitable partnership (U-M’s principles of engagement). On the map, you can browse a collection of programs, research projects, initiatives, and engaged learning activities.

How to Read the Map

Understanding the points on the map:

  1. The outer most circle represents projects that are multisite
  2. The second circle indicates the School/College that the project it associated with.
  3. The smallest circle indicates the category the project falls within.
  4. The light grey circles indicate projects that are not longer active.

*A project address may vary from the address pinned on the map.


Notes: The projects included on this map do not represent the entirety of U-M’s engagement with Detroit, only project that have been self-identified by faculty or staff to the VPEL team.